Full Speed Ahead (What's Next for Me!)

This short season is coming to a close.

CGA ends in less than 2 weeks. 2 weeks! That’s insane.

This has been a great time in my life, full of learning and growth. For one of the first times in life I feel like a genuine adult, which is weird. By that I mean, I feel like I have a true grasp on where I’m going and how I’m getting there. The Lord has laid out a plan in front of me and I’m in step with it.

It’s a pretty cool plan, too.

I’m excited to announce that this coming January I will start a job with Adventures in Missions in the World Race department! My position will have two main themes. Most of my time will be spent doing development in the World Race. Improving it, doing projects, problem solving, and just trying to add value wherever I can. The other part of my time will be spend doing Squad Logistics for the World Race Fusion route.

This is a great fit for me, I think. I love problem solving. I love streamlining and developing things. It was something I tried to do a lot while working with campus ministries in college, and something I’m gonna enjoy doing in the World Race. My goal is to help bring the Race further and further until it reaches its full potential. I’m still very much passionate about the American church, and I think in order to change the church and thus the world then my generation is going to have to do a bulk of the work. As such, I want to help tons of people in my generation have an amazing experience on the Race and then come back ready to change the world.

As for Squad Logistics, I’m just as excited. World Race Fusion is a brand new route/program in which people from many different nationalities can come together to make a squad! There will be people from all over the world making up the Fusion squad! It's incredible! I loved doing logistics on my Race, and will love getting to be the contact for the Racers on the Fusion route as they live out their journey. Basically I will be their in-office resource. I will help them figure out logistics and finance stuff and be a constant contact for them. I also will encourage and support them any way I can. Something I truly, truly eager to do.

Needless to say, I’m excited.

For this position I will have to raise part of my salary. The Lord continually provides for me, and I know He will in this season as well. I’m (again) excited for the opportunity to bring more people into my journey by partnering with me financially and prayerfully.

If you’re interested in partnering with me prayerfully or financially please get in touch with me! My email is sethtpowell13@gmail.com. I’d love to talk more with you and explain how the process works. Or if you’re just curious about the job, or even just wanna talk shoot me an email!

Here is the link to the Fusion route so you can see more what it is all about: http://worldrace.org/?tab=routes&subtab=wr-fusion

Thank you so much for supporting me throughout the Race, through CGA, and now into my time working with Adventures. God has truly affected my life through you for something big, and I’m so thankful to have you right alongside me in it.

Oh, and thanks for reading too! It means a lot!

Going full speed ahead,



  1. We are exited for you. Now we get to spend more time together.


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