Shadows in a Good Season

I’m in a good season right now.

Like a really good one.

I’m going into my first real job. I’m finally doing something where I feel like I can have a tangible difference that caters to my specific skills and abilities. I’ve made great community here. I feel like I’m right where God wants me to be. Made amazing friends and more!

It’s just good.

I have a hard time being content. I’m constantly (frustratingly) thinking that there is something I can be working on. Something I can be doing or fixing. I sometimes don’t leave well enough alone. But for whatever reason in this season I wasn’t like that. It was more like I thought everything was going so well that I didn’t want to move too far to the left and mess everything up. So I stayed still. Or rather have been staying still.

Only lately had I been thinking about what could be wrong with this. I had been driving forward so hard on my professional and personal development that something had been left out of the equation...

Something important...

Something I couldn’t put my finger on...

That something was God.

I had felt that with everything going so well I didn’t need to try to get better or grow in any areas. Everything is good! If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it? Right? Ehh...

I had confused contentment and fortune with complacency.

I had gotten so caught up in the gifts I had received that I didn’t take time to thank the Giver.

I became so enamored with the things that God had given me that I forgot about He who gave them.

I fell into a trap. The trap of a good season. The trap of not recognizing where good fortune comes from. Where good seasons come from.

In this too, I was protective of my season. I guarded it. I was willing to defend it at all costs. Even if that meant defending it from God himself.

After a solid talk with God on the lake today I remembered my place in the world.

He gives and takes away. But above all, He has a plan.

Just because things are going well doesn’t mean I can’t strive for more. Strive for spiritual growth and to keep being better and better. To keep running towards being the man God has called me to be. Good seasons aren’t time to sit still and drink tea and sigh a happy sigh.

You can still learn a great deal in a good season. You can still grow and be stretched. You may just do it with a smile on your face this time around.

My good season isn’t ending, I want to make that clear. I’m still doing incredibly well. And will as long as my Father wants me to.

But trusting God with any and all possibilities is key to enjoying a good season well. Enjoying what He has given you, and understanding when it ends. Knowing that His plan goes beyond you and how you think it should go. That the ending of a good season will eventually yield to a better one. A much better one.

Don’t let yourself live in the shadows of a good season. Protecting it like your life depended on it.

Give God the freedom to do with you what He will. Placing your life and the things of your life in His hands makes your life easier in some ways. Takes a bit of the thinking out of it. And for someone who thinks too much like me, that’s a blessing.

Stepping back into the light,


I am fundraising for this shiny new season! I am looking for people interested in partnering with me financially through monthly giving. Please prayerfully consider partnering with me. If you're interested send me an email at Or just donate one of two ways: or by sending a check made out to "Adventures in Missions" to:
PO BOX 742570 Atlanta, GA 30374-2570 with my name in the memo line.

I am excited to drive forward into this job and do what I can for the Kingdom. I'd love for you come alongside me and help me with it! Thank you and hope to hear from you!


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