
Showing posts from April, 2020

Strange Days

So this is a weird time, right? We can all agree on that? That this is weird? I think it’s weird. I’ve been following ol’ Rona since early February (risk management for an international missions organization has me running down all sorts of things), so the idea of a novel coronavirus is somewhat normal to me at this point. I understand (as best a laymen with a degree in biology (which was last used 7 years ago) can) the transmission patterns, how it moves, the most vulnerable, etc. I’ve consumed pages and pages of World Health Organization, Center for Disease Control, and 4 different governments’ worth of info on the subject. It became, in fact, somewhat of a simple and boring topic to me. It was in China. Maybe Taiwan and Japan. But nowhere near us specifically. It, like most things that happen around the world, didn’t affect us here at home. Until one day it did. I think I first really noticed the shift in our humble city of Gainesville while in our Wal-Mart Supercenter. ...