
Showing posts from April, 2015

The World Needs Heroes

We all know and love the stories. The evil villain has taken control of this, that, or the other. He or she is hell-bent on destroying the world. Or taking it over. Or getting rich. Or simply being evil. We always enter the scene at the 11 th hour. When times seem bleakest. When it seems darkness will win. When we’re not sure what the outcome will be. It’s at this time that the heroes come in. They’re strong and powerful. Bold and courageous. Willing to risk their lives for the cause. Willing to put it all on the line just to fight for what’s worth fighting for. The hero comes in and takes the villain to task. Annihilating their plans. Sending them to jail. Saving the day. Even though it'd be awesome Why do you think these stories are so important to us? Why do you think they’re so appealing? Why are we drawn to them? It’s because we all silently recognize that the world needs heroes. It’s because we realize that if not for these all-powerful beings that can de...